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Activism is important. But it's not for everyone.
At least not the protest, shout at the top of your lungs kind. That takes guts.
So what do you do when you have a cause that you're passionate about and want to help out with, but are shy and would prefer to do something more low-key?
Well, bribery works. No really! Check out Ellen Fisher's video where she offers free cupcakes to passersby if they watch a video of what really goes on in a slaughterhouse.
Arguably, this is more effective than a protest, as the message isn't forced on anyone. People are choosing to watch and listen. That's not to say protests don't have their place. They're important and can definitely work. But unfortunately, they can also turn people on the defensive, and therefore the message risks falling on some deaf ears.
But if you want something even more low-key than paying people to listen to your message with food, you can let your clothing do the talking. We love this because it's something you can do everyday.
These are some of our favorites:
1. Wholesome Culture's Save Animals - Eat Avocados - Beanie
3. Mermaids & Treasure's Go Vegan Tumbler
4. Mercy For Animal's 'Be Kind' T
5. Vegetaryn's Not Milk T-Shirt
6. Mermaids & Treasure's Save the Mermaids Go Vegan Hoodie
7. The Eating Meat Is Strange Shirt

8. In The Soulshine's Eat Fruit Stonewash Tote Bag
Written by: The Change District